About Us

Our purpose is to create a world in which all people love their lives!

Founded in 2002, LifeWork Systems is a full-service training and consulting firm specializing in cooperative practices, workplace culture change and leadership development.

The vision of CEO Judy Ryan has been the driving force in shaping the company.  Through her years of consulting she finds that most authority figures; to include executives, parents and educators, adopt human systems (how people think, act, feel and behave) originally designed for survival, conformity and compliance rather than strong leadership, creativity and collaboration. These obsolete, authoritative and counter-productive systems hinder the development of alignment, accountability and positive social interest.

Our Purpose and Values

Our Purpose: To Create a World in Which All People Love Their Lives!

We walk the talk. We live by purpose, values and vision first and they inform our goals, procedures and roles.

Our Unique Core Values

Friendship: We treat every person as a dear friend
Encouragement: We support courage and strength
Over-Communication: We get to understanding
Personal Growth: We learn, grow and improve
Leadership: Power-within, not power-over or power-under
Faith: We surrender to God in humility, accepting grace and guidance

Eight Values That Build Trust

We walk the talk. We live by purpose, values and vision first and they inform our goals, procedures and roles.

Respect: We honor the worthiness in all people

Recognition: We value differences and unique gifts

Receptivity: We are open to what others share with us

Disclosure: We share our ideas, feelings and opinions

Straightforwardness: We state requests and expectations

Honesty: We do not lie, cheat, steal or act unethical

Keeps Commitments: We deliver on our agreements

Seeks Excellence: We do our best in everything

Our Story

LifeWork Systems is an award-winning training and consulting company specializing in cooperative practices. With our help, people communicate better, develop into leaders no matter their role, and co-create conditions that bring out the best in everyone.

Business owners, educators and community leaders hire us because they want the advantages of an extraordinary workplace culture. They know responsible, conscientious people help grow businesses, stand out in their industry, and keep customers coming back. They appreciate the experience and systems provided for a cultural transformation and the ability and convenience of distributing concepts, terms, tools and processes to everyone.

Because we believe in personal responsibility, shared power and leadership for all, we build capacity for change in each person, from top-down We are equally committed to inspire bottom-up commitment to change, as well as trust, straightforward communication and the development of inside-out motivation in all, so transformation occurs easily organization-wide.

We Are Innovative

CEO, Judy Ryan has always been drawn to unorthodox methods for forming authentic community and developing people into good citizens. Since 1984 she has turned that interest into an obsession and then a company in 2002. Here are key questions that have led to liberation in her life and the lives of many others:


We are in the Media

We are pleased to share recent recognition at the invitation of national and international publications. We are honored to be written about and awarded. We are delighted to share our successes and to be acknowledged as visionary and industry leaders in excellence in culture transformation and people development. 

In 2023, we were interviewed by CEO Weekly (38 countries)Read article (see links in it): A Journey of Empowerment and Transformation: An Interview with Visionary Leader, Judy Ryan

image of Judy for digital interview
Judy on the cover of US Reporter magazine

In 2023, we were interviewed by US Reporter. Read the article: Unlocking Excellence: Judy Ryan’s Journey Towards Workplace Transformation. 

Since 2012, we have had several articles written about us, and have had over 130 of ours published in the St. Louis Small Business Monthly

Judy Ryan cover of SBM magazine
Judy Ryan on cover of Bold Journey

In 2024, Bold Journey Magazine interviewed us. Read this set of questions from the series: Stories and Lessons for Finding Your Purpose

Our podcast on the Forum on Workplace Inclusion Podcast was #1 on Spotify in 2023. Listen to it: Redirecting Negative Behavior

Award pic for top podcast on Forum on Workplace Inclusion in 2023

We Are Award-Winning

LifeWork Systems was presented with the Vanguard Award for Innovation in Service to St. Louisan’s from the St. Louis Mental Health Board.

Our Psychographics

psy-cho-graph-ics - sika' grafiks (noun)
The classification of people according to their attitudes, aspirations, and other psychological criteria
  1. Does this leader/prospect/partner have AWARENESS? (Focuses on current and future trends, culture evolution, revenue generation, ability to pivot, agility, and what ensures competitive advantage)
  2. Does this leader/prospect/partner recognize NEEDS? (are they aware of losses that can be plugged and intolerant of them, motivated to create new?)
  3. Does this leader/prospect/partner have PASSION/CONVICTION? (are they chomping at the bit to stay relevant, competitive, effective, and committed to develop their people and to creating continuous advancements?)
  4. Is this leader/prospect/partner INNOVATIVE? (NOT risk averse but rather courageous, with a positive and helpful ego in which he or she develops other leaders, provides the best support and encouragement?)
  5. Is this leader/prospect/partner willing to INVEST time/budget? (in culture evolvement and people development, supporting performance, and engagement at all levels within any organization, professional or personal?)

Revenue Sharing Partnerships and Oversight Consulting

LifeWork Systems offers four ways to partner for revenue-shares, and an additional way to earn income by playing a vital role in culture transformation projects as an oversight consultant.

Watch our narrated video on the four partnership designations.

We are here to answer any questions and discuss with you details about our partnership options and oversight consulting.

Our Revenue-Sharing Partnership Opportunities

“Partnerships are fueling the growth of the world’s most successful companies. The demand to deliver more products and services, more quickly has never been greater. Joint Ventures and other collaborative business arrangements are revolutionizing how winning companies serve. They permit companies to enter new markets they otherwise couldn’t do on their own. They are the quickest way to grow a company, particularly in times of change.”

Curtis E. Sahakian, Author, Business Strategist, Lawyer

Partnerships afford client services and experiences possible only through a unified approach. 

LifeWork Systems Logo white with transparent background

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