Typical CultureEX™ Timeline

Culture Transformation

CultureEX is a proven, comprehensive, yearlong guided culture transformation process. The timeline below is typically chosen. The timeline spells out tasks of a client lead, individual project participants, small groups (10 or less in each, from mixed levels) and mentoring pairs. 


CLIENT LEAD Pre-Project Planning

Participants: Client lead (Highest Executive Leader authorizing the culture change process) and the LifeWork Systems Oversight Consultant.

Purpose: To prepare the Client Lead for the process of introducing to and inviting engagement of staff in the guided culture yearlong process.

When: 1 month prior to project start month 1.

Time Commitment: Approximately 3-4 hours

Tasks for Client Lead:

  1. Complete Ntrinsx temperament survey and review
  2. Review SAS Survey, 7-Step process, scope of work, timeline
  3. Modify plan (if needed) including schedule, participants, and logistics
  4. Begin blueprint process 
  5. Review and discuss mentoring and training processes
  6. Register into the LifeWork Systems portal and submits letter of intent regarding project participation
  7. Send intro letter to project participants
  8. Identify mentoring pairs and small group members
  9. Identify ROI performance targets and tracking (optional)
STAFF Pre-Project Kickoff & Pre-work

Participants: Client lead, project participants or candidates (should be from all levels from executive to front-line staff, and the LifeWork Systems Oversight Consultant.

Purpose: To introduce the culture model, reasons for adopting it, the timeline, and invite them to participate in the yearlong guided culture process.

When: 1 month prior to project month 1. This can be the same month as the Client Lead Pre-Project Planning Session month or the month right after it.

Time Commitment: Approximately 5 hours

Tasks for Project Participants:

  1. Attend 2-hour kickoff session
  2. Register into the LifeWork Systems portal and submit letter of intent regarding project participation
  3. Reviews 4 pre-project modules
  4. Complete Ntrinsx temperament survey and Strategic Alignment Survey (SAS)
  5. Schedule all monthly small group review sessions, mentoring sessions, group leader prep sessions and oversight with the LifeWork Systems consultant  in calendars for the year
Project Month 1

Participants: Project participants

Purpose: To start with the first individual online training module, workbook and post-training survey

When: The month after Pre-Project planning and tasks above are completed

Time Commitment: Approximately 1-2 hours

Tasks for Project Participants:

  1. Watch individual module 1
  2. Complete individual 1 workbook
  3. Complete the post-training survey 1
Project Month 2

Time Commitment: Approximately 5 hours

Tasks for Project Participants:

  1. Attend small group review session 1
  2. Reciprocally mentor with partner using template 1; overseen by LifeWork Systems consultant
  3. Complete individual module 2, post-training survey 2, and workbook 2
Project Month 3

Time Commitment: Approximately 5 hours

Tasks for Project Participants:

  1. Attend small group review session 2
  2. Reciprocally mentor with partner using template 2
  3. Complete individual module 3 , post-training survey 3, and workbook 3
Project Month 4

Time Commitment: Approximately 5 hours

Tasks for Project Participants:

  1. Attend small group review session 3
  2. Reciprocally mentor with partner using template 3
  3. Complete individual module 4 , post-training survey 4, and workbook 4
Project Month 5

Time Commitment: Approximately 5 hours

Tasks for Project Participants:

  1. Attend small group review session 4
  2. Reciprocally mentor with partner using template 4
  3. Complete individual module 5 , post-training survey 5, and workbook 5
Project Month 6

Time Commitment: Approximately 5 hours

Tasks for Project Participants:

  1. Attend small group review session 5
  2. Reciprocally mentor with partner using template 5
  3. Complete individual module 6 , post-training survey 6, and workbook 6
  4. SAS is reissued, analyzed and report is distributed
Project Month 7

Time Commitment: Approximately 5 hours

Tasks for Project Participants:

  1. Attend small group review session 6
  2. Reciprocally mentor with partner using template 6
  3. Complete individual module 7 , post-training survey 7, and workbook 7
Project Month 8

Time Commitment: Approximately 5 hours

Tasks for Project Participants:

  1. Attend small group review session 7
  2. Reciprocally mentor with partner using template 7 (templates is same onward)
  3. Complete individual module 8 , post-training survey 8, and workbook 8
Project Month 9

Time Commitment: Approximately 5 hours

Tasks for Project Participants:

  1. Attend small group review session 8
  2. Reciprocally mentor with partner
  3. Complete individual module 9 , post-training survey 9, and workbook 9
Project Month 10

Time Commitment: Approximately 5 hours

Tasks for Project Participants:

  1. Attend small group review session 9
  2. Reciprocally mentor with partner
  3. Complete individual module 10 , post-training survey 10, and workbook 10
Project Month 11

Time Commitment: Approximately 5 hours

Tasks for Project Participants:

  1. Attend small group review session 10
  2. Reciprocally mentor with partner
  3. Complete individual module 11 , post-training survey 11, and workbook 11
Project Month 12

Time Commitment: Approximately 5 hours

Tasks for Project Participants:

  1. Attend small group review session 11
  2. Reciprocally mentor with partner
  3. SAS is reissued, analyzed and report is distributed
  4. Ntrinsx session and celebration for all project participants

About Judy Ryan

JUDY RYAN is CEO of LifeWork Systems and a recognized thought leader on applied behavioral science that impacts deep culture change for exceptional outcomes. She is an award-winning author, columnist, system developer, consultant, trainer, keynote speaker and is frequently interviewed on TV, radio, and podcasts. Since 2002, Judy has been leading innovative methods to favorably impact the most important aspect of any organization: its people. She has created a digital, scalable culture transformation system and implementation framework. Judy’s purpose is to create a world in which all people love their lives.
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