Motivation From The Inside Out

Want commitment and follow-through? This program guides participants to replace four external motivators with four that cultivate internal motivation.
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Motivation From The Inside Out

People are always motivated! They’re just not always motivated to do what you want! There’s a difference between being a boss and a leader. Effective leaders empower people, which creates other leaders. Participants learn systems needed for development of responsibility and intrinsic motivation that assist all in becoming influential and self-directed.
Course Overview
Well-intentioned authority figures have used extrinsic motivation methods in an attempt to develop good citizens. Without realizing it, the very extrinsic motivators they use have diminished the intrinsic motivation in people and require dismantling and replacement of new methods.
Course Description

This course introduces four intrinsic motivators that must be understood and cultivated within individuals and in groups to ensure integrity, internal alignment, problem solving and follow-through on commitments. Steps and roles are described for developing them in self and others.

Major Topics
  • The Four Intrinsic Motivators
  • Activation of the Motivators
  • The Roles and Responsibilities of Everyone In Motivation
  • Mentoring for Intrinsic Motivation
  • Transferring Responsibility Through a Leadership Development Process for all

This course is appropriate for anyone committed to understanding and acquiring the necessary leadership skills, internal beliefs, feelings and new behaviors themselves for self-governance and authentic integrity in action.

Course Objective
This course provides participants with a powerful means to become conscious of intentions that fuel the internal motivation needed to create intrinsic motivation and responsible behavior. Each will understand the order, elements and process for becoming a strong leader within one’s self and in supporting motivation in others, all from the inside out.
1-4 Hours (from Overview to Full Workshop)