I Don’t Like To Gossip, BUT…

Gossip is a toxic behavior and a costly experience for those giving it, receiving it, and the subject of it. Learn a powerful means to address it.
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I Don't Like to Gossip, BUT...

Gossip is a highly toxic behavior for the givers and receivers involved and so common it’s epidemic. Most people tolerate gossip as a fact of life and don’t consider the core reasons we gossip, what to do instead and commit to stop engaging in it. Throughout this course, participants consider the reasons, results, and their role and responsibilities in addressing this destructive behavior.

Course Overview

Gossip is a behavior most people engage in but don’t feel proud about doing. What most don’t realize is that there are understandable reasons we gossip that deserve compassion. It is only then can we adopt alternatives to meet these reasons in ways that are fulfilling and that strengthen each person and their relationships with others.

Course Description

This course introduces in a compassionate and straightforward manner, the understandable reasons people gossip, and common beliefs that must be examined and laid aside in order to transform gossip into meaningful exchanges that build rather than break down relationships. Specific tools and strategies are introduced, including steps, intentions and implementation processes for drastic reduction or elimination of gossip along with tools for healthy venting.

Major Topics
  • Understandable Reasons we Gossip
  • The Role of Curiosity and Compassion
  • The Mind Trust
  • Healthy Vs. Unhealthy Venting
  • Choosing Encouragement, Support and Resolution

This course is appropriate for anyone who recognizes the harmful effects of gossip and is determined to understand and change this toxic behavior in order to advance teamwork and promote safe, trustworthy and caring relationships.

Course Objective

This course provides participants with a powerful means to address gossip head on and come away with greater understanding for how to support self and others in releasing negative feelings in a constructive and restorative manner. Each will understand the intention for venting and transforming reactivity and upset, so that rather than destructive consequences, positive resolutions occur and stronger relationships develop.


1-2 Hours (from Overview to Full Workshop)